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Frequently Asked questions
What is taxidermy?
Taxidermy is the movement of skin. The word originally comes from two Greek words: taxis (movement) and derma (skin). The practice involves literally taxi-ing the dermy (moving the skin): skinning a specimen (removing the skin), tanning or treating skin in order for it to be preserved, and then moving the skin onto an artificial form or mannquin.
The skin is then manipulated/moved/sculpted/arranged to sit on the form in a realistic or lifelike way. Most taxidermy only uses the skin of the animal. The rest of the mount or taxidermy piece is man-made (glass eyes, artificial jawset, earliners, etc.)
What is fur dressing?
Processing raw pelts is dressing. The dressing of furs involves several steps, the exact number of which is determined by the particular fur being dressed. Generally speaking, a fur is cleaned, softened, fleshed (extraneous flesh is removed), and stretched. The skin is tanned by a process called leathering.
What information do you require?
We require full contact information, including full name, address including city, province and postal code. Best contact phone number and Manitoba License AND tags. Trappers #, Possession Permits, Harvester #, treaty #s, etc.
How much hide should I save?
Skin a few inches below the front legs for a shoulder mount. If you do not leave enough, your cape will not be usable. More is always better.
Do you require a deposit?
A 50% non-refundable deposit is required before the work gets started. If storage of a large hide or game is an issue, please contact us to make arrangements. We can store it until you can arrange a deposit.
how should i store my trophy while hunting?
While you are hunting get the cape/hide on ice right away. If it is not kept cold there will be hair loss after tanning. We have no way of knowing if this will happen. Double garbage and tag the harvest with as much information as possible then freeze it.
What if my cape has damage or i do not have a cape?
We typically have some extra capes around, and may be able to source a replacement at a $100 fee. We are always interested in purchasing white tail capes!
how long until i get my trophy back?
Our current turnaround time is 12 months, this is industry standard and we do not intend to exceed this.
should i skin out the whole animal?
No! Skin off the hide up to the neck, and leave the feet in if uncomfortable. Removable of the feet, turning of the eyes, ears, lips, and nose are INCLUDED in the price of your mount, or in the case of tanning with the fleshing.
how do i skin out a bird?
Easily! Do not! Wrap the bird up in a newspaper rolled up like a funnel cone. Slide the bird head first into the small end of the cone. Then put in double freezer bag, label with as much information as possible and freeze asap.
Easily! Do not! Wrap the bird up in a newspaper rolled up like a funnel cone. Slide the bird head first into the small end of the cone. Then put in double freezer bag, label with as much information as possible and freeze asap.
can i pick my pose?
Of course! We will guide you in picking the right pose! If you have a specific place set out for your mount its best to provide us with specific information on it so we can do our best to ensure the mount looks great. (ie. Lower or tilt heads if up high) We recommend you leave the ears to us, however if you have a particular ear position we got you.
are habitats and dioramas extra?
You bet! Each one of ours is 100% custom, we do not use foam logs or pre ordered kits. Just like panels, or any other unique display an appropriate fee is quoted before the work is done.
will we taxidermy a pet?
No, under no circumstance will be work with any domesticated pet. As much as you may love the idea of having fluffy forever, you do not want to dust your friend as he sits in the corner for eternity
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